Find out all you need to know on the fastest, most-effective Agricultural Lime on the market, G-Lime.
With spring nearing it is almost time to evaluate existing crops and determine which fields should be considered for spring seeding.
Find out more on how Granular-Lime is an effective, efficient, easy to use product and another tool in your arsenal to maintain field productivity and maximise your resources.
In recent years, the use of Granulated-Lime on fields has significantly increased; due, in no small part, to the many benefits associated with the product.
G-Lime plays an important role in pH management and has significant benefits over conventional agricultural lime, including less risk of compaction, speed of reactivity and the ability to easily maintain pH at target level.
Find out more on how vital lime and pH are to crop production.
Find out more on how Granulated-Lime is also changing the way farmers manage their soil pH.
Find out more on how Soil pH plays a huge role in determining how many nutrients a plant can extract from the soil to be healthy and productive.